January 29, 2011


Having purchased 30 some tickets from the Mets last season, I was added to their email list. While the Phillies can't find enough seats to sell, the Mets can't give them away. I've gotten dozens of emails from them offering up 2 for 1 deals, free key chains, and other lame promotions. I chuckle at most of them, but no email was more entertaining than yesterdays...

For those unfamiliar with the situation, Mets owner Fred Wilpon was a close friend of Bernie Madoff. It is alleged that while Madoff robbed hundreds of millions of dollars from most of his clients, the Mets actually earned money in his Ponzi scheme, possibly as much as $48.1M! Well, the lawyers hired to collect false earnings on behalf of the Madoff victims are now suing the Mets and their ownership group for somewhere between $300M and $1Billion dollars!

It's a somewhat sad situation, but it certainly explains why the Mets made only a few minor splashes this offseason. Now their looking for partners willing to buy into their product for an infusion of cash. If I was David Wright, I'd be looking for the first train out of Flushing so I could bail from that sinking ship. This franchise can't seem to get out of it's own way. From their Epic Collapse in 2007 to their wife beating closer, The Mets have the worst luck. No team in the past decade has done less with all the talent they had. Think of the potential hall of famers that have worn the blue and orange in the past ten years: Mike Piazza, Billy Wagner, Johan Santana, Pedro Martinez, Roberto Alomar, Tom Glavine, Gary Sheffield, David Wright, Jose Reyes, Carlos Beltran, Mo Vaughn (okay, maybe not HOF)... And what do they have to show for it? A World Series loss in 2000 and one playoff appearance since. Pretty sad for a team that has to share a city with the Yankees.

So with that said, I pour out a little bit of my beer to express my condolences for what appears to be another year of Mets failure.

Full story over at ESPN

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