September 16, 2011

Beard-Off For Autism

Non-baseball news here, but nonetheless important!

Loyal Reader(s)... a few months back, as you may recall, a bunch of us took part in the "Walk Now for Autism Speaks!" event in South Jersey. While our team was a rousing success, the overall event fell a little bit short of their goal. Being the charitable folks that we are, a handful of us bloggers and blog-friends have decided to take it upon ourselves to cut into that deficit with a good old fashion Beard-Off!

What does that mean?

Well, for one entire month, we will forgo our razors and shaving cream and let those facial hairs grow au-natural! There will be no backing out, there will be no trimming up, there will be no excuses!

  1. The "shave-in" will commence at 7pm this evening with a fresh blade for my trusty Gilette Fusion razor.
  2. Competitors will be asked to raise money throughout the course of the month with a minimum goal of $150/participant. Progress photos and reports will be provided for anyone who chooses to sponsor me!
  3. On Saturday, October 15th, judging will commence with awards for the "Best Beard," "Homeless Beard," "Longest Beard," etc. At that point, shaving will be allowed, however not mandatory... I for one am vowing right now to continue my beard for as long as the Phillies are in the playoffs!
What can you do to help?

Well, you can donate to my cause, of course! Any assistance is helpful as I am setting a personal goal of $500 raised. Not a penny of this goes to me and it all gets funneled directly to Autism Speaks!  

Click the image below to donate online!

Thanks for your help and support!

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