February 11, 2011

Drunken Wisdom

Welcome one and welcome all. Here we are, my first actual post. Yes, it's true, I will not be posting nearly as much as my counterpart does nor will they be as long. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel his are too long at all. I think they are great and perfect reading material. (Does anyone have a tissue so I can wipe this brown mark off of my nose?) I want my articles to be short, to the point, and be the spring board to a good debate in the comments section. With that said, on this Friday, February 11th (Happy Birthday Dad) let's get the ball rolling on Drunken Wisdom shall we?

All-Star Games

Yes I know, I know I wasn't going to hit on too many sports topics because that's what this blog mainly is and it's writing better suited for Pat. However, this covers all sports and has been on my chest for quite some time now. All-Star games have been around for as long as I can recall and are more or less a fixed tradition in the sports world. From when we are 7 years old up through making millions of dollars, if you are lucky enough, you have the possibility of being selected to All-Star teams. It is quite an honor if you ask me. Yes, some say it's nothing more than a popularity contest but isn't that the point? Usually, your most popular players are also the best player. Go to any sporting event and the jerseys and t-shirts you see on the fans typically bare the name and number of the teams most successful player(s). These select few deserve to be all-stars. There are also snubs out but you know what, they set the rosters to a certain limit, someone is bound to be left out. Sorry for your luck, try again next yet is the way this is handled. Nothing else can really be done. This is where I have an issue. If a player is having a season worthy of being an all-star make him one. Don't have the confines of a roster. Do not make it fan voting. Players and coaches ONLY!

You ask, well how can you not have a confines of a roster for an All-Star game? Simple, get rid of the games. I hate every All-Star game. They are atrocious and don't mean anything. The MLB tries to fool you by saying that it means something by determining home field advantage in the world series. What a crock. As a team, if I win 100+ games in the season and finish with the best record and go to the world series, I want home field advantage. Why work that hard if a mid season exhibition game can ruin that? Baseball is the only sport that tries to make it more than it is but it doesn't excuse the other sports.

Who watches the Pro Bowl? Show of hands. Based on the week leading to this game no one should raise their hand here. Everyone says they hate it but they keep having it. Is it making the NFL money or is more a cover to give the best players in the league and their families a weeks vacation in Hawaii. You can't make the argument of it bringing in revenue to a city. Honolulu needs no more revenue. It's not like other sports where they come to (new city name here) every year. They don't showcase the players. ESPN or your local news coverage does that. Get rid of the Pro Bowl.

Hockey, you are next. I at least admit that you tried to do something new. For the first time ever there was an actual draft by team captains playground style. Cool idea? I guess. Too bad you still fell flat on your face. Mid day on a Sunday? Not even in a primetime slot. Why, oh, because it was the same day before the other game no one watched. Would you want to be a goalie in the All-Star game? I know I wouldn't teams put up double digits and you look like swiss cheese in front people. Don't get me wrong, the 6 goalies there this year deserve to be called All-Stars for sure, however this game just makes them look atrocious.

So in conclusion......What? The NBA? Oh, they are still around? But they can't have All-Star game...... wow, really they do? And, coming up upon us soon? Huh, you don't say. Well, I'm not mentioning it. You can guess my opinion on that. I disagree with it. But, the good players still deserve to be All-Stars.

When I was a kid I loved getting into my little league All-Star game because I felt that it meant something. Would I feel that way if I was making millions and I was a professional? Probably not. Keep the 4 - 5 days during the season where the is still no games (they deserve the break). I'm all for that mid season. Also, keep the skills competitions. Whether it be the Home Run Derby. The multiple skills the NHL put on from shoot outs, to passing, to shot accuracy, to shot speed. Keep the Slam Dunk Contest and the 3-Point Shootout. Last and least bring back the QB Challenge would you NFL? That was fun!

So more or less keep your All-Stars. Keep the skill competitions. And do away with the games. Upon these factors you also have the possibility of injury which is an article all on its own which I won't get into now.

Let the comments fly. I'm off to grab another beer. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. 100% agree, the skill challenges have always been the best part of all-star games.
