February 9, 2011

Lunch Time Link Dump

Installment #2 of baseball links compiled from around the web...

  • A Bleacher Report article on why Curt Schilling should not be a Hall of Famer. To be honest, I always kind of figured he was a shoe in, but after considering his career 3.43 ERA and mere 216 wins I guess he's not a lock after all. I also never considered the fact that he never won a Cy Young award. He might get in eventually, but now I suspect it will take a few ballots.
  • Michael Young is being completely disgraced by the Texas Rangers. I always thought of him as the American League equivalent of Chase Utley. He's a steady hitter, strong leader, and willing to make any sacrifice for his team. But giving away his position and asking him to DH or come off the bench... not cool. He deserves better as THE cornerstone of the defending AL Champs. 
  • The lawyers seeking retribution against the Mets are seeking $1Billion dollars, going as far as accusing the Mets of willfully ignoring the warning signs. David Wright has even outed the Mets for their statement that the lawsuit will not affect baseball operations. It's out of control how screwed the Mets are. That said, Mark Cuban is chomping at the bit to get in on the Mets action and that is somewhat scary considering the lengths he will go to make his team a contender.
  • If anyone is looking for a gift to get me in the future, this killer print of the Phillies four aces is a great idea. It's not yet available, but when it is, you can bet I'll own one. I might even put up a new wall just to have space for it:
  • The Moneyball movie is months away, but some are already comparing it to "The Social Network." It's an interesting comparison, but as I said last week, sports movies just don't have the same international draw that other topical movies do. Regardless, the story is incredibly interesting and could make a hell of a movie.
  • A recent siting of a Pete Incaviglia jersey at Wing Bowl reminded me to share the link to one of my favorite guilty pleasures, Straight Cash Homey.

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