March 16, 2011

Lunch Time Link Dump

Another episode of Lunch Time Link Dump. Got some pretty cool news last night so I'm going to try to step up my game in the next few days:
  • First and foremost... get your ass over to ThePhield to see the field of 64 greatest Philadelphia sports blogs. I'm a #12 seed up against, and while I don't expect to win, help me put up a good fight! The voting directions should be on the image! Get them in by 5pm Thursday!
  • KELLERandGEORGE are a couple of jokers from PA who take a break from cow-tipping to do a somewhat listenable podcast. It's a nice mix of humor, sports, and pop culture. 
    • LOLMets. For the ridiculous sourpuss face that RA Dickey makes when he throws his knuckleball. And for sending out this incredibly lame email yesterday asking their fans to buy tickets to games in Philadelphia: 
      • (Hint, Sell out your own games first. We don't need your help packing the house. They don't expect to sell out their own games. I spoke to a chick last week about ordering 40 of them for a road trip in September.)
    • GQ does a lovely little piece on Derek Jeter. My favorite part: "His defensive range was so limited—by one measure, he placed last among shortstops for his overall contribution in the field—that when he won his fifth Gold Glove award, a post on a widely respected baseball Web site read simply "My head just exploded." Cue the Derek Jeter apologists...

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