April 15, 2011

Lunch Time Link Dump

  • By now, pretty much everyone has given their take on the "Ryan Madson's wife hates Phillies Fans" story. Whether it's true or not and whether the reporter identified herself or not, it's pretty much a non-story. And it's kind of a muckraking scummy move by the reporter to even broach the subject. Hell, I hate "Phillies fans" half the time too. Bothering people at dinner should be completely off limits, professional athlete or not. From everything I've read over the past few years, the Madsons want to stay with the Phillies long term and pretty much consider the place home. They even built a house here last year that's Green (energy efficient, not the color). Clearly not the actions of people who want out of town.
  • Ed Rendel's rules for Booing. Yes, that Ed Rendel. Apparently anyone can get a column on Philly.com. It's a reasonable list, but also a pretty obvious one. Clearly a fluff piece.  
  • Yesterday marked the final episode of the "On The DL Podcast" from Dan Levy. For 500 episodes, it's been a great source of sports commentary, politics, pop culture and just about everything in between. They've been a watchdog of sorts for sports and sports media. Imagine Deadspin on a podcast. I've listened sporadically over the years and it was always great. Sad to see it go. Dan follows things up with a post about fellow "Sports Bloggers as Muppets" which I find hilarious. If you're reading this site, you obviously have terrible taste in bloggers and probably don't know any of those names, but it's worth a look if just for a trip down memory lane to see some old muppet characters!  
  • Barry Bonds got away with murder! Wait, he didn't kill anyone? Then why did the US Government spend millions of dollars prosecuting him? Oh... But yeah, they found him guilty on obstruction of justice for one of his many rambling comments during testimony, but the jury deadlocked on the meat and potatoes of the perjury case. 11-1 against was the final count in favor of conviction but hung overall. You know the "One" was a guy and you know he was as annoyed about the total waste of money as I am. $6M is the estimated tally so far, by the way...
  • Fact: Minor League Promotional giveaways are the best. I purchased some tickets for Reading's "Chooching Owl" night and I'm looking into Dom Brown Bobblehead day for Lehigh Valley. But, a 5 ft tall, couple hundred pound, incredibly racist looking Ryan Howard Garden Gnome is pretty much the best thing ever. Could you imagine this thing being on your neighbors lawn?
  •  In case you've been living under a rock for the past 2 days, TheFightins has made it's triumphant return and nearly shut down the internets in it's first night. After a six month hiatus, the pressure seems to have gotten to meech.one. Either that or he was just sick of crappy sites like CrossingBroad and BleacherReport getting credit for their plagiaristic and utterly un-entertaining views on sports. Seriously, one of those sites employs 14 year olds as bloggers. How is that even legal?
  • Chase Utley is running again. But that's about all we know. I originally hoped for a late April return, but I still don't think Mid-May is out of the question. He's been hitting all along, and doing a lot of fielding in recent weeks.
  • Finally, I end with twitter accounts you should be following:
    • @normmacdonald - Yes, that Norm MacDonald
    • @BtBScore - A sabremetric stat community that will probably make your head explode.
    • @JSiNG14 - Phillies 1st base turned outfield prospect Jonathan Singleton
    • @FB101 - Fantasy Baseball 101, a pretty good free site for info
    • @Stephania_ESPN - Stephania Bell is the injury update person for ESPN. Worth following.
    • @JoeSportsFan - a humorous look at sports blogging

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